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Saturday, June 30, 2012

All Course

Course Code
Title of the courses
ENG - 1201
CELP - 1
ENG - 1202
CELP - 2
ENG - 1218    
Basic Composition – 1                 
ENG - 2211    
Introduction to English Literature-Fiction                                                 
ENG - 1219
Reading Strategies and Writing
ENG - 2212
Introduction to Literature Poetry
GED - 1211
Introduction to Bengali Literature - I
ENG - 1212
Listening and Speaking Skills
ENG - 2213
Introduction to English Literature - Drama
ENG - 1224
Basic composition - II
ENG - 3211
Introduction to Linguistics
ENG - 2223
18th Century Literature - I
ENG - 1233
Introduction to Phonetics and Phonology
ENG - 2221
Romantic Literature - I
ENG - 2232
18th Century Literature - II
ENG – 1222
Advanced Reading Strategies  and Writing
ENG - 2233
Victorian Literature - I
GED - 1235
Introduction to Bangla Literature-II
ENG - 1231
Advanced Grammar
ENG - 3214
Introduction to Shakespeare
ENG- 1232
English for Professional Purpose
Victorian Literature - 2
History of English Literature-1
GED - 2231
History of English Literature - 2
ENG - 4222
American Literature - I
ENG - 4216
Shakespeare in Theory and Practice
Socio Linguistics and Psycho linguistics
English for Public Relations
History of Western Ideas
Advanced Composition
ENG - 4231
Critical Theory & Literary Criticism
ENG - 4212
History of Eastern Thoughts and Religion
ENG - 4224
Classics in Translation
ENG 3235
English Language Teaching (ELT)
ENG- 4232
American Literature-2
20th Century English Literature-1
ENG 4221
Discourse Analysis
ENG- 4225
Introduction to old an middle English Literature
Methodology in Language Teaching
20th Century English Literature-2

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